What is 1:1 and Why is it Important to Me?

Saturday, April 12, 2014

Video from InCare k12

      I am a second year, second grade teacher from Crothersville Elementary School. I am interested in creating a 1:1 initiative within our entire elementary school. I want to know the benefits of having my students 1:1 on iPads. I believe the generation that is in elementary school currently must have a strong knowledge in technology by the time they exit high school. Why not start students at a young age? This will allow each following teacher to build upon already known skills, instead of having to teach them over and over again. Class time will be engaging and meaningful when students know they will be using what they are learning. Many students see their parents using technology every day. Putting students in meaningful situations at school will help create a future society of technology ready people. 
     Anyone needing information about 1:1 initiatives within primary grades will find my information interesting and useful. Keep reading to find out more about existing technology issues, benefits of 1:1 in elementary schools, and if this type of initiative will really improve student learning!

General Benefits and Risks of 1:1

Friday, April 11, 2014

    With all other aspects in life, there are risks and benefits to a 1:1 initiative. I have tried to compile a list from my various sources. I always like to hear the bad news first, so we will start with risks.

     Let's face it, kids are forgetful. Students are going to forget to bring their tablet to school. They will forget a few times. Now what do we do? One suggestion I found was creating a buddy system for those who forget or who have their tablet or laptop out for repair. Many schools must have an extra supply of tablets or laptops for those students who move in. Each teacher could have two backups with the general apps that the student could use in the event they do not have one. (Corn et al., 2010)
     Students whose families have declined to have a tablet or laptop at home can use one at school, and download the materials needed to finish the work at home. A policy must already be in place for students who do not have internet access, so they would be working as though they were in this group.
     Another risk would be virus' attacking the tablet or laptop while the students are connected online off school grounds. Many systems will only protect the device while logged into to the school server.  The technology solution team should be able to create a system that will extend protection to the device, even when students are off school grounds.
     Discipline policies must be strictly followed by each staff member. Enforcing rules and polices will help students keep on track and not stray when they are working. We are all guilty of checking Facebook or e-mail in the middle of lesson planning, I know I am. At an elementary level, students could stray off topic by switching to a game or searching online. Students should be taught that school is not the place for these actions, unless directed to do so by the teacher.  Corn (et al) suggests that the best way to keep students from disobeying the policies is to contact parents and report inappropriate behaviors.
     Sites that are blocked at school are not blocked when the student logs into the internet at home. This is where a parent contract/home use policy comes to play. Parents should be informed about how the tablets are benefiting students and what to expect with the tablet being at home. They need to be aware that the sites that are blocked on school grounds are going to be available to students when they are off campus. Parents have to be responsible for their students' actions outside of school. Together, parents and staff can assist students in navigating the internet safely and effectively.

     There are many benefits in introducing a 1:1 education plan. In the studies done by Bebell and O'Dwyer significant improvements in state test scores in English and language arts have been shown. Teachers should treat their technology as a cognitive tool rather than a technological tool. "Teachers play an essential role in the effectiveness of 1:1 initiatives."(Corn et al., 2010)
     Differentiation is possible with 1:1 devices. Students learn in different ways and at different speeds. One teacher can differentiate student learning easier when everyone has their own device. When a student can go their own speed, they are more likely to grasp concepts and build upon their prior knowledge.
     In the real world, students will be expected to use technology in their job field. Learning the basics will help them be prepared for whatever their future employer expects. Technology is taking over in companies, large and small. Schools are supposed to preparing students for the future. We might as well integrate technology where ever we can to prepare them now.
     Students are "in to" electronics. Anywhere I go, I see people using electronic devices. Children are being entertained, teens are communicating and listening to music, and adults are doing the same activities. Learning can become more interesting and engaging when students are able to use technology. This is how they are interacting outside of school, they might as well use it productively inside of school!
      Digital materials available online are endless!! There are so many great resources students can have access to with just a couple of clicks! If there is a series of books that students are interested in, they can look them up online and generally find them.
     Test scores are rising with the introduction of tables and laptops in classrooms. Literacy rates are rising drastically! I would have never learned how to type if it were not for wanting to chat with my friends after school. The same type of situation is used when students are using technology. They want to learn to read and read better because they want to figure out what the App is asking them to do.
     Students will learning difficulties have a vast amount of access to Apps that can assist them. From dyslexia apps to text to speech apps, learning with technology can improve learning and wanting to learn for all types of students.
     iPads in the classroom

Who Would Benefit from 1:1?

Thursday, April 10, 2014
Easy answer: EVERYONE! Let me explain.
Students engaged in their Tumblebooks story

Students: Students benefit because they will be having fun learning. Apps like Math Ninja or Zombie Math are tricking students into thinking they are just playing! We use the Accelerated Math program at school. This greatly helps in differentiating student math. Students are able to go beyond what our second grade lesson says they should do that day. This helps them not get bored with math that is too easy.  One student in my class tries his best every time. He thinks when he gets most of the answers right, he is "going to the next level!" I love that he is so into his math lessons and treats it as a video game. Bebell and O'Duyer report that students enjoy searching the internet, writing papers, and using multimedia on their devices.
First grade teachers enjoying the last week of school.
Teachers: We are able to differentiate learning for our students. This allows students to go far beyond where the standards say they should at their grade level. Bebell and O'Duyer say that teachers are seeing more students eagerly engaged in their learning. ELA and math scores have also been linked to 1:1 technology usage. Students can easily do research and create presentations using their devices. When students can work easier, the teacher can become more of a facilitator than the leader. We are also producing students who will be prepared for the 21st century. Students will have the technological knowledge that employers will be able to build upon.
Student reading with her grandma on Grandparent's Day
Parents: Parents can have piece of mind that their child will be prepared for whatever types of jobs the future will throw at them. Their students are becoming more creative and using higher level thinking skills in their activities. Technology has it's kinks. Students must use problem solving skills to fix some of the bugs. Parents love the idea that their child is able to solve their own technological issues. When the question of " How was school today?" arises, children will actually have an answer! They will be excited to tell about what they did at school. Many of the problems parents had with their student being 1:1 was because the parent did not understand the technology themselves.
The one stoplight in Crothersville, Indiana
Community: The community will benefit from their school going 1:1 because the students will be better prepared for the job force. Students will be creating presentations, proficient in using a word processor, and an expert at navigating the internet before they leave fifth grade! Imagine what the middle school teachers, high school teachers, and college professors can build up with such a great start. The possibilities are endless for what our children will be capable with the support of their teachers, parents and community.The people who benefit from a 1:1 initiative can keep growing and growing.  When schools all over the nation are rolling out this new way for students to learn, the whole nation can benefit. 

Deploying 1:1

Wednesday, April 9, 2014
    1:1 computing has become a "technology rich educational reform" where access to technology is ubiquitous among students and teachers.(Bebell&O'Dwyer, 2010)  Many high schools and middle schools are already introducing tablets to their students as the primary text book. They are quickly on their way to success in the 21st century.
     There are a few issues that must be overcome before we can decided if going 1:1 is the best option for our students. There is little evidence of the benefits of going 1:1 since it is such a new concept. A time of adjustment must be allotted for administration, teachers, and students to adjust to the changes of going to a 1:1 learning environment. (Corn et al. 2009)
Aspects that must be examined before deploying 1:1 initiative.(Corn et al. 2009) 
Several aspects need to be examined before deploying a 1:1 initiative in schools. The diagram above shows what ideas should be figured out by each district before pushing out the initiative.

     I want to explore is deploying 1:1. Districts must realize this is not a short process. Corn (et al) recommends it take at least six months before the final roll out. During this time, teachers and administration are getting to know their new technology. Teachers and administration agree that extensive professional development is essential before utilizing 1:1 technology in the classroom. (Corn et al., 2010)Teaching and learning practices are going to change drastically when a school introduces a 1:1 initiative. In a study of five schools, a measurable positive, change was noted,  in teacher practices, student achievement, student engagement, and student research skills. (Corn et al., 2010)
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Endless Possibilities

     When districts decide to go 1:1, they have several decisions to make before the beginning roll out to staff. Decisions must be made on what kind of technology to utilize, which programs, apps, and software to use, and how teachers and students will use this in an effective manner. A process on how to handle repairs or problems must also be established. They must also decide what types of policies must be in place for the 1:1 initiative to run smoothly.
Made in Wordle
     It can be overwhelming! After the decision is made to go to a 1:1 initiative, staff and administration need to come together to form a committee dedicated to the introduction of tablets into the classroom. This can make the decision making process run smoother. As a group, they can decide which device, programs, software, and apps will best serve the students. Once these decisions are covered, the technology plan and policies can begin to come together.  
     Teachers and administration should have a voice in educational technology policy making. They are the ones who would know what students should access and use to further their education. The technology staff should be the ones who implement this. They will also be part of evaluating the policies effectiveness. Teachers will be the other part in the evaluation. They are the ones in the front lines of overseeing the works of the policies. When it comes to decisions about the school and student education, teams work better than assigning tasks and doing it alone. 

Policies for Primary

       Policies should not be made to " punish" students from different aspects of technology. Teachers should be allowed to use educationally appropriate educational technology in any form. Policies should be made for the good of the school, staff,  and students.    
A is showing B how to play Zombie Math
      Policies for being 1:1 with tablets in the primary grades need to be more specific than the policies in place for middle and high school students. Students in the primary grades come in to sites that are inappropriate, more often, by mistake. Students need to be comfortable while working with technology. They cannot learn how to navigate the web if we are watching them every second, nor can we actually watch their every click. Teaching students how to navigate safely should be a top priority when a district decides to roll out a 1:1 initiative with primary students. If students have had an explanation of what is expected of them while using their technology, I believe we can hold the student accountable for their actions. Disciplinary measures may be taken when the student has misused the technology. Students should also be aware of the consequences of their actions. 

        Parents need to be fully aware of the acceptable use policy. "If the materials were not carefully explained to every parent and a signature obtained after discussion of the documents, then a parent can legitimately claim that he or she did not know what was being signed."(Wells, 2010)  Students should not receive their device until a parent attends a meeting where the acceptable use policy was explained. Schools should offer this information at a variety of times that could be acceptable for parents to attend. A meeting should even be held right before the start of school. 
    Some teachers may find it difficult at first, but we have to begin to trust our students. We need to believe they are working on what they are supposed to be. (Taking a lap around the room a few times wouldn't hurt either;))

General Policies

Tuesday, April 8, 2014

     All schools introducing a 1:1 initiative must have policy and acceptable use guidelines. The list below comes from the article "A Computer for Every Student and Teacher: Lessons Learned about Planning and Implementing a Successful 1:1 Learning Initiative in Schools" I think they have nailed the main points that should be addressed in district policies. Depending on the grade level, more specific policies should be added to make the policy fit the school. 

• All schools had guidelines for caring for the laptops
• Some schools explicitly prohibited violent games and social networking sites
• Some schools prohibited students from installing anything on the laptop; some of these schools had random
inspections to insure compliance
• Most schools collected insurance fees, ranging from $10-$50, from students
• Most schools allowed students to take their laptops home every day
• Most schools indicated they would collect the laptops during the summer
• All schools hosted one or more parent nights to provide information to parents about the 1:1 initiative, and
get parental approval and commitment to support their child’s use of the laptop
• All schools required parental permission forms for students to receive a computer


Tuesday, April 1, 2014

        Students who are in higher poverty areas do not have access to programs that would accelerate their education like preschool. They start off their lives lacking in cognitive development, limited vocabulary, and limited learning experiences. (Darling-Harding, 2010) Many students end up dropping out and not graduating because this was a trend set by parents, siblings, or friends. Students tend to " fall through the crack." (Darling-Harding, 2010) Many of theses students are going to struggle at school with using technology for learning. Students who have access are going to have a jump start and will go further than those who do not have previous experience.

     If a student does not have adequate access, they might as well not have any access at all. If I was using high speed internet at school, then had to go home to a computer that was as slow as dial up, I think I would just give up! The ISTE (International Society for Technology Education) is recommending that the FCC "maintain optimal services" for school districts.(Goldmann, 2007) This means" students, teachers, and community members will continue to enjoy access without delay to valuable online material and resources...) (Goldmann, 2007)

Professional Development

     Teachers who have always used chalk and the chalkboard are now seeing this be replaced by large, white, interactive boards. Many of them are not utilizing their new technology, usually because they just do not know how! Schools need to provide professional development for teachers who have been introduced to new forms of technology. They need to have the chance to get to know the technology before having to use it in front of the classroom.
     Technology is improving the ways teachers can share, develop, and recognize teacher knowledge. Blogs, sites like TeachersPayTeachers, and Pinterest are all ways teachers can get new ideas and develop their professionalism. Visiting other teachers' rooms in your own school will give you new ideas, but online there is an infinite amount of ideas that teachers from all over the US! This can help spread knowledge and help teachers create meaningful lessons for their students.


     Several schools across America simply cannot afford to provide students with adequate resources to become 21st century learners. High poverty areas are seeing overcrowding and inadequate teachers in their schools. (Darling-Hammond, 2010) Technology is not a high priority in schools such as these. They are facing limited resources, such as books and materials for their students as it is, without trying to create funds for extra technology.
      Creating smaller groups for schools is one I see as a major challenge in large districts with limited funding. They just cannot afford to hire more teachers or to add classrooms in overcrowded areas. Smaller class sizes help ensure more one on one time with the teacher and a more personalized curriculum. Ideally every classroom would be twenty or less students. I see this as a perfect number. Smaller classrooms can equalize time on the available technology for students. When you have five computers per classroom of around twenty students, they will be able to have more time to access those computers compared to a classroom of twenty-five or more. 


     Technology is essential for learning and teaching to adequately prepare students.Schools all around the nation are beginning to prepare their learners for the 21st century. High schools are going one to one with digital hand held devices. Unfortunately, many of these devices sit and collect dust because the teachers are too afraid to use them. When students have readily available access to the internet, especially when the angle is not where the teacher can see, is risky business for educators. Rather than assume risk, teachers are avoiding using the internet at all.

    This is where policies come to play. Schools need to introduce an acceptable use policy for their technology. Districts also need to have a filtering system that will help filter out objectionable content for students. Teachers can allow students more freedom online and feel more at ease. Students can also be taught at a young age how to utilize the internet and other technologies properly.

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