General Benefits and Risks of 1:1

Friday, April 11, 2014

    With all other aspects in life, there are risks and benefits to a 1:1 initiative. I have tried to compile a list from my various sources. I always like to hear the bad news first, so we will start with risks.

     Let's face it, kids are forgetful. Students are going to forget to bring their tablet to school. They will forget a few times. Now what do we do? One suggestion I found was creating a buddy system for those who forget or who have their tablet or laptop out for repair. Many schools must have an extra supply of tablets or laptops for those students who move in. Each teacher could have two backups with the general apps that the student could use in the event they do not have one. (Corn et al., 2010)
     Students whose families have declined to have a tablet or laptop at home can use one at school, and download the materials needed to finish the work at home. A policy must already be in place for students who do not have internet access, so they would be working as though they were in this group.
     Another risk would be virus' attacking the tablet or laptop while the students are connected online off school grounds. Many systems will only protect the device while logged into to the school server.  The technology solution team should be able to create a system that will extend protection to the device, even when students are off school grounds.
     Discipline policies must be strictly followed by each staff member. Enforcing rules and polices will help students keep on track and not stray when they are working. We are all guilty of checking Facebook or e-mail in the middle of lesson planning, I know I am. At an elementary level, students could stray off topic by switching to a game or searching online. Students should be taught that school is not the place for these actions, unless directed to do so by the teacher.  Corn (et al) suggests that the best way to keep students from disobeying the policies is to contact parents and report inappropriate behaviors.
     Sites that are blocked at school are not blocked when the student logs into the internet at home. This is where a parent contract/home use policy comes to play. Parents should be informed about how the tablets are benefiting students and what to expect with the tablet being at home. They need to be aware that the sites that are blocked on school grounds are going to be available to students when they are off campus. Parents have to be responsible for their students' actions outside of school. Together, parents and staff can assist students in navigating the internet safely and effectively.

     There are many benefits in introducing a 1:1 education plan. In the studies done by Bebell and O'Dwyer significant improvements in state test scores in English and language arts have been shown. Teachers should treat their technology as a cognitive tool rather than a technological tool. "Teachers play an essential role in the effectiveness of 1:1 initiatives."(Corn et al., 2010)
     Differentiation is possible with 1:1 devices. Students learn in different ways and at different speeds. One teacher can differentiate student learning easier when everyone has their own device. When a student can go their own speed, they are more likely to grasp concepts and build upon their prior knowledge.
     In the real world, students will be expected to use technology in their job field. Learning the basics will help them be prepared for whatever their future employer expects. Technology is taking over in companies, large and small. Schools are supposed to preparing students for the future. We might as well integrate technology where ever we can to prepare them now.
     Students are "in to" electronics. Anywhere I go, I see people using electronic devices. Children are being entertained, teens are communicating and listening to music, and adults are doing the same activities. Learning can become more interesting and engaging when students are able to use technology. This is how they are interacting outside of school, they might as well use it productively inside of school!
      Digital materials available online are endless!! There are so many great resources students can have access to with just a couple of clicks! If there is a series of books that students are interested in, they can look them up online and generally find them.
     Test scores are rising with the introduction of tables and laptops in classrooms. Literacy rates are rising drastically! I would have never learned how to type if it were not for wanting to chat with my friends after school. The same type of situation is used when students are using technology. They want to learn to read and read better because they want to figure out what the App is asking them to do.
     Students will learning difficulties have a vast amount of access to Apps that can assist them. From dyslexia apps to text to speech apps, learning with technology can improve learning and wanting to learn for all types of students.
     iPads in the classroom


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